Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Illegal immigrants are not a new thing in Malaysia. This problem started as Malaysia kick start their development in building industries, which happened to be the major causes of the problem as most of these illegal immigrant happened to work as work force to build building such as houses, office storey and many more. Even though they ‘help’ indirectly in the development of Malaysia, they actually bring a lot of problem to our citizen.

 Firstly, they are known for the social or moral problem. Most of them choose to work here because they did not have the education needed to succeed in their country. They were also did not have the knowledge about our culture in here. So, they bring their own culture in our country, which most of it are against our social norms and causes social problem to happen. Thus, giving a bad example to our children that might actually follow what these immigrant.

As for the economy, our currency value might drop because of the flow out of our money to other country. As for example, every time they wanted to send money to their hometown, they will change the currency first. This causes our currency to drop in term of its value hence messing our economic scenario.
But, the real problem with this illegal immigrant situation is when they commit crime in our country, because they did not come in this country through legal channel, our authorities did not have their record. This can be a big problem if the authorities want to detect the suspect if a crime involved the illegal immigrant.

Illegal immigrant is a problem that should be controlled. We cannot simply ask them to go back to their country as we did not have enough workforces, especially in building and manufacturing industries. The best way to overcome this problem is to register every immigrant that come to work in this country. It is a slow process, but it might help in term of our citizen security and comfort living in our own country. Every people that is involve with immigrant should take responsibility, in order to create a better Malaysian for the citizen.